Acta Apuana XI (2012)

- Alessia Amorfini, Antonio Bartelletti, Giuseppe Ottria - The Antro del Corchia Karst Complex (Apuan Alps -
Tuscany): measurement and evaluation of the geosite value
- Leonardo Piccini, Francesco Mantelli, Licia Lotti, Francesco De Sio, Franco Occhini - Hydrogeology of the
Antro del Corchia Karst Complex: data summary and current knowledge
- Francesco Mantelli, Licia Lotti, Alessandro Montigiani, Leonardo Piccini - Water chemistry in the Mount
Corchia Karst Complex
- Licia Lotti, Francesco Mantelli, Alessandro Montigiani, Leonardo Piccini, Francesco De Sio, Franco Occhini
- Survey on the microclimate of a part of the Mount Corchia Karst Complex
- Francesco Mantelli, Leonardo Piccini, Andrea D'Elia, Alessandro Montigiani - Results of preliminary
analyzes on black patina in the Mount Corchia Karst Complex and other Italian Caves
- Ilaria Baneschi, Ilaria Isola, Eleonora Regattieri, Massimo Guidi, Giovanni Zanchetta – Isotopic
measurement of the drip waters and precipitations from Antro del Corchia: hydrological and paleoclimatic
Codice: acta_XI - Marca/Editore: Pacini Editore
Categoria: Acta Apuana - Sottocategoria: Rivista cartacea